Kamis, 18 September 2008

Message For Natural Breast Enlargement

Breast enlargement to increase your breast size naturally without painful surgery

No, you are not alone in your desire to be better endowed. And there is no need to feel embarrassed or shy about it. Having a well-filled breast is almost every woman's dream.

No other part of a woman’s body is as attractive as her breasts which add to the overall beauty, charm and grace of a woman. The first thing that attracts an onlooker is the bust line of a passing woman.

Breast care is very important as it is among the erogenous zones, and feeding organ for baby. If a woman’s breasts sag and get flabby at an early age, it will fail to have any sexual attraction.

Breasts are largely made up of fat globules and fibrous connective tissue. Breasts in fact do not have any muscular tissues and are held by the muscles, which lie between the rib cage. Hence if these muscles, which are called pectorals, are in good shape, then your breasts will get a good cleavage and lift. ( Ayurvedicurre)

Breast Massage therapy is an effective "wellness" treatment for breasts, as breasts particularly need good circulation and tissue mobilization for optimum health. Poor circulation can produce various uncomfortable symptoms. Breast scarring (surgically and traumatically induced), which is more common than we often realize, can cause painful syndromes and obstruct blood and lymph flow. Some believe there may be a correlation between chronic poor breast drainage and susceptibility to malignancy. Breast Massage techniques and hydrotherapy may in fact turn out to be some of the most effective modalities for addressing such problems and promoting breast health.

Breast Massage therapy has been proven to assist in promoting healthy breast tissue, reduce
fibroids and cysts, relieve the pain and discomfort associated with PMS, compression from bras, relieving the pain and tension from stress in the muscles of the chest wall, assist in healthy tissue regeneration and scar reduction following surgery, and as a logical proactive step against cancer and other diseases. The goal of this article is to provide accurate, easy to use information about maintaining personal breast health through self-massage.

Study Showing Breast Massage May Help Prevent Breast Cancer!!!

Breast Massage can be an important component to preventing breast cancer! A recent study* of 4,700 women found that women who wore brassieres had an increased chance of acquiring breast cancer. It is very possible that the constant pressure that the bra puts on the breast is limiting the flow of toxins that need to be released, resulting in the increased cancer rate. Any more than a gentle amount of pressure can flatten the lymphatic vessel and stop the toxic flow from the breast.

The Study found the highest rate of breast cancer in those who wore bras 24 hours a day, and the lowest rate in those who never wore bras. The study suggested that women should wear their bra less than 12 hours a day.

* Singer, Sydney Ross. Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer andBras, Garden City Park, NY: Avery Pub. Group, 1995

Breast Massage

The left side demonstrates the vascular system of arteries and veins. The right side shows the lymph nodes and direction of lymphatic flow away from the breast.

Your breasts are essentially structures made up of fat and gland, mounted to the female's chest wall with a delicate system of ligaments. The circulation in the breast is much the same as the rest of the body consisting of arteries,veins, and lymphatic vessels. In short, the arteries bring fresh blood too the cells carrying along with it the nutrition that the breast and its tissues need for proper health and they could benefit from breast massage. The veins bring the blood back from the cells along with cellular waste and toxins. The lymphatics are designed to return the toxin and other waste materials that lie in the intercellular fluid between the cells.

Breast Massage

Step One: Use your fingers to gently smooth away from the nipple. These movements travel from the nipple and directly away using no more pressure than what you would apply to your eyelid. Any more pressure would flatten the lymphatic vessel and stop the flow of toxins and fluids. Also, make this stroke slow, not fast, for it to be effective.

Step Two: Gently massage the breast with a kneading-like motion, using lifting and pressing movements.

Step Three: Slowly and carefully use your hands to twist the breast in a clock-wise and counterclockwise direction, being careful not to put too much tension on the breast.

Step Four: Use both hands as shown to apply several, moderate pressure,compressions to move out more pressure fluids.

And that complete the Breast Massage to help you prevent breast cancer!

resource : Breast Enhancement


To specifically effect lymph in massage, it is necessary to pump in a specific direction, at a specific pace. This mimics the natural action of the lymphatic system.

Lymphatic Breast Massage is easy to learn. It is different than just massaging your breast because you will specifically move the breast in a way that mimics how lymph moves in the body.

We will use a pumping movement where we move the breast using some light pressure and then release the breast gently, allowing it to return to it’s normal position.

Each move and return counts as one pump. Using the lymphatic breast massage model, the most important idea is to keep the lymphatic fluid moving in this area.

Below are simple steps to use for lymphatic breast massage. (Use these instructions with the illustration below.)

1. Put your hand in your armpit and push inward and upward. Go deep into the armpit. Pump upward and release. Do this ten to twenty times.

2. Grab your entire breast and move it upward toward the armpit. If your breasts are large, this may take more than one hand position. Do this ten times.
Grab your breast and pump directly inward toward the chest wall. Do this five times.

3. Holding your breast stable, pump the upper inner quadrant of your breast up toward your neck. Do this five times.

4. You can do the pumping more than the recommended number of times if you like.

We have a video of the instructions posted on youtube! Click here to see the video!
resource : Breast Health Project


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Rabu, 10 September 2008

Skin Pigmentation Treatment


Pigmentation means coloring. Skin pigmentation disorders affect the color of your skin. Skin cells give your skin color by making a substance called melanin. When these cells become damaged or unhealthy, it affects melanin production. Some pigmentation disorders affect just patches of skin. Others affect your entire body.

If your body makes too much melanin, your skin gets darker. Pregnancy, Addison's disease and sun exposure all can make your skin darker. If your body makes too little melanin, your skin gets lighter. Vitiligo is a condition that causes patches of light skin. Albinism is a genetic condition affecting all of a person's skin. Infections, blisters and burns can cause lighter skin.

Other pigmented terms include:

  1. hyperpigmentation (too much pigment)
  2. hypopigmentation
  3. underpigmentation (too little pigment)
  4. depigmentation (loss of pigment).
Millions of people develop skin pigmentation conditions at some point in their lives. For many, this results in emotional distress and embarrassment. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to do something about it.
The first step in minimizing a skin pigmentation condition is to protect yourself from the sun. Then, arrange to speak with a dermatologist about your condition and treatment options.

Causes of Pigmentation

Pigmentation is more widespread amongst the middle-aged women. Very few women in younger age suffer from pigmentation, and the extent of the problem is minimal with few exceptions. This in fact is related to the endocrinal changes that occur when women reach middle age.

The severity of pigmentation problem is associated with several diseases and disorders.

The first aspect of the treatment is protection from the sun, because the problem is triggered off by sun-exposure. In fact, it can also aggravate it, causing the dark area to become larger. Therefore, as part of the treatment, one should try to avoid sun-exposure as far as possible. Physical protection is the only answer, with a parasol or hat, and also by applying a sunscreen before going out in the sun. Select a sunscreen with a high SPF of at least 20+. SPF stands for Sun Protection Factor and is usually mentioned on the label. The number is related to the duration of sun exposure. If the skin is dry, a sunblock cream should be applied. For normal to oily skin or combination skin, a sunscreen lotion is more suitable. Sunblock creams of higher SPF are also available. It is also advisable to use a sunscreen manufactured by a reputed company, so that you are sure of the protection it affords. The sunscreen should be applied about 20 minutes before sun-exposure, to allow ! it time to be absorbed by the skin. It should be reapplied if you are in the sun for longer than 20 to 30 minutes at a stretch. The effects of the sun increase near water bodies and snow, as they reflect the sun's radiation. Therefore, it becomes all the more important to protect the skin and re-apply the sun screen after 20 to 30 minutes.

Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy is a local treatment; it affects cancer cells only in the treated area. Radiation can come from a machine (external radiation). It can also come from an implant (a small container of radioactive material) placed directly into or near the tumor (internal radiation). Some patients receive both kinds of radiation therapy.

  1. External radiation therapy is usually given on an outpatient basis in a hospital or clinic 5 days a week for a number of weeks. Patients are not radioactive during or after the treatment.
  2. For internal radiation therapy, the patient stays in the hospital for a few days. The implant may be temporary or permanent. Because the level of radiation is highest during the hospital stay, patients may not be able to have visitors or may have visitors only for a short time. Once an implant is removed, there is no radioactivity in the body. The amount of radiation in a permanent implant goes down to a safe level before the patient leaves the hospital.
resource: Medcinenet

Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is a relatively new treatment for reducing facial wrinkles and skin irregularities, such as blemishes or acne scars.

The technique directs short, concentrated pulsating beams of light at irregular skin. Laser skin resurfacing removes skin very precisely, layer by layer, resulting in fewer problems with hypopigmentation (lightening of skin). This popular procedure is known by several other names, including lasabrasion, laser peel or laser vaporization.

The two types of lasers most commonly used in laser resurfacing are:
  1. CO2 Laser Resurfacing. This method has been used for years to treat different skin conditions including wrinkles, scars, warts, birthmarks, enlarged oil glands on the nose (rhinophyma), skin cancer and other conditions. The newest version of the CO2 laser resurfacing uses very short pulsed light energy (ultrapulsed) or continuous light beams that are delivered in a scanning pattern to very precisely remove thin layers of skin with minimal heat damage to the surrounding structures. Recovery time from the procedure is up to two weeks. Patients should seek out surgeons with documented training and experience in laser skin resurfacing.
  2. Erbium Laser Resurfacing. Erbium laser resurfacing is designed to remove superficial and moderately deep lines and wrinkles on the face hands, neck, or chest. One of the benefits of erbium laser resurfacing is minimal burning of surrounding tissue. This laser causes minimal side effects, such as swelling, bruising and redness, so your recovery time should be more rapid than with CO2 laser resurfacing - one week in most cases. If you have a darker skin tone, erbium laser resurfacing may work better for you. Your doctor will determine which laser is best for you after he or she fully evaluates your medical history, current physical condition, and desired results.
resource: Medcinenet

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Senin, 01 September 2008

Sarah Jessica Parker - Fragrance

Lovely Perfume
Fragrance Description:

Lovely Perfume by Sarah Jessica Parker, Lovely is the latest from coty, a sarah jessica parker fragrance for women, this gorgeous perfume is a beautiful blend of mandarin, rosewood, lavender, apple martini and bergamot. The heart is of orchid, patchouli and finishes off to cedar, white amber, woods and musk.

Covet Perfume Fragrance Description: Covet Perfume by Sarah Jessica Parker, Launched in 2007, it has top notes of wet greens, geranium leaves, sicilian lemon, lavender and chocolate; a heart of honeysuckle, magnolia and muget, and a base of musk, vetiver, bois de cashmere, teakwood and amber.

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